Unless you have invested in an expensive, maintenance prone and environmentally damaging water softener, you have taken your water for granted.
Introducing ScaleBlaster, the "Going Green" alternative to water softeners.
- Help protects the life of water heaters, dishwashers and washing machines
- Removes scale buildup in tankless water heaters permanently without filters or maintenance
- ScaleBlaster will remove all lime scale deposits that has built up in your household pipes
- Lime scale deposits will never form again once removed
- Water will feel "softer", and soap will lather up much more
- Soap and detergent use can be cut back by 25% or more
- Less scum will allow for soap and detergents to work more effectively
- Water heater will work much more efficiently
- Premature failure of water heater and heating elements are no longer a problem
- May improve symptoms of eczema without the need of special creams
- Water heating bill will go down dramatically
- Water will taste better because pipelines have been cleaned out of scale deposits
- Skin will feel smooth and hair will be much more manageable
- Stains on sinks, basins, toilets will be easily wiped away
- Dishwasher, washing machine and other water fed appliances will operate more efficiently
- Shower heads will no longer clog up with lime scale
- Water filters and RO membranes will work more efficient
- Scale deposits in pipes are a breeding ground for bacteria
- With scale removed, there is a less likelihood for bacteria, making your water healthier
- Coffee will taste better, and juices & concentrates will be much more flavorful
Best of All
- You are protecting our environment by not treating your water with a water softener
- Your investing in your health with calcium and magnesium remaining in your water instead of salt
- Your investment will never require maintenance, salt, or filters to change
- ScaleBlaster costs less than a water softener and all the salt and maintenance they require