UTRS Clean Water Technology is committed to the success of our brand and our dealers. Dealers will enjoy representing Clean Water Technology products in their authorized territory at the most competitive wholesale prices. Our goals are to offer dealerships to the most qualified people in each market and to establish long-term relationships.
Comprehensive programs are offered to help you become a successful clean water business owner. With our technologies, marketing materials, sales training and leasing program, those who sign on to help us provide clean water have a clear advantage over others who have the same goal.
Download these applications and send them to us by email or mail:
By Email
To send the application by email, simply open the file (in Microsoft Word), fill it out, click Save As (save it on your desktop), and then send it as an attachment to dealers@utrs.com.
By Mail
UTRS, Inc.
Attn: Clean Water Technology Division
950 N. Kings Hwy.
Suite 208
Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
UTRS, Inc.
Clean Water Technology Division
22296 Claibre Court #1505
Boca Raton, FL 33433